News Update on the Utilization of High-Tech in Agriculture

Today, both small farms and large agricultural holdings are increasingly investing in innovations, realizing that this is the key to competitiveness in the market. However, many owners are just looking at IT solutions in the agro-industrial complex, fighting against prejudices. For example, many workers and managers of agricultural enterprises are still convinced that the transition to digital agriculture is long, expensive and difficult.

This stereotype developed during the first wave of digitalization. Then, indeed, many complex IT products were implemented for months, the programs were not Russified, and the prices were higher. However, technologies are getting cheaper and easier every year, and the full implementation of a digital system at an enterprise now takes about two weeks.

As for the cost, the annual costs of software are incomparable with the possible losses on the farm. On average, digital systems cost tens of rubles per hectare per year, while they can save owners hundreds of rubles per hectare. When, during test implementations, our clients see that their equipment is regularly idle, fuel is drained, or that technological errors are made that affect yields, they understand that without spending a few extra thousand today, they will lose millions tomorrow.

Another serious limiting factor is the lack of qualified personnel, but we are solving it too. Firstly, the user interface of modern systems has become so simplified that even a pensioner who is not used to holding a smartphone can handle it. Modern platforms are created specifically for the average agricultural worker who does not understand the nuances of IT. In addition, in the process of introducing IT products, local workers are always trained, there are refresher courses. Secondly, many universities are now introducing disciplines on precision farming and agro-geoinformation systems into the curriculum, which did not exist five years ago, and teach how to work on automated equipment. The new generation of graduates are people already familiar with digital technologies.

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