Volga Baikal AGRO NEWS Update on the Сhallenges & Prospects of the Development of the Agricultural Engineering in New Conditions in Russia !!!
The most expensive component of sowing is agricultural machinery, which must not only be available, but also work properly. Now imported equipment is used in many farms, and the purchase of spare parts for it has become now even more expensive both because of the dollar exchange rate and due to the rise in price of logistics. The prices of spare parts have increased significantly – by up to 300% in some cases. Due to the current situation, the renewal of the fleet of vehicles, which was planned by many companies, has been postponed until better times. Currently, many enterprises carry out only routine maintenance of equipment.
Statements about the need for import substitution in terms of agricultural machinery are being made more and more often. The press service of the Rosspetsmash Association, which represents domestic manufacturers, notes that there are more than 100 domestic manufacturers of agricultural machinery in Russia. These plants produce agricultural machinery and equipment that cover most of the main segments: grain harvesters and forage harvesters, energy-saturated tractors, sprayers, harrows, cultivators, plows, mowers, fertilizer machines, equipment for storing, processing, cleaning grain and other equipment. In particular, in such key positions as combine harvesters and powerful tractors, Russian enterprises occupy leading positions in the domestic market.
In general, in all segments, the products of domestic factories occupy more than half of the Russian market. Enterprises are able to increase this indicator in the presence of effective demand, because their production capacities are underutilized. The level of localization of domestic equipment (a share of Russian components), depending on the model, in most cases ranges from 50 to 100%.
Today, the Russian production of agricultural machinery is one of the most highly localized domestic branches of mechanical engineering, but factories are experiencing a certain dependence on imported components that are not produced in Russia, or are produced in insufficient volume, for example, from individual engines and their components, from hydraulics, components of electronic systems.
Therefore, enterprises are already actively building relationships with new partners, both foreign and domestic, cooperating, solving issues on their own production of components.
To solve these tasks, it will take time and support from the state, – notes a representative of the press service of Rosspetsmash.
According to the association, the total production of the Russian agricultural machinery in 2021 reached record levels in the entire Russian history and amounted to 218 billion rubles, which is 46% more than in the same period in 2020. Shipments increased by 33% – up to 199 billion rubles.
According to Rosspetsmash, in 2021 the production increased, namely:
- plows by 34% – up to 3.9 thousand units
- sprayers by 34% – up to 1.7 thousand units
- harrows by 29% – up to 6.7 thousand units
- tractors by 28% – up to 6 thousand units
- combine harvesters by 26% – up to 7 thousand units
- seeders by 15% – up to 6.7 thousand units
Due to an unprecedented increase in prices for metallurgists’ products, complicated logistics, a significant weakening of the ruble, Rosspetsmash asks the government to create favorable price conditions for the sale of domestic agricultural machinery and equipment. The main issues for today are the maintenance of effective demand for specialized equipment, support for the localization of the production of components, the search for new partners, the restructuring of logistics chains, – emphasizes a representative of the association.