Volga Baikal AGRO NEWS Update on the Agrometeorological Conditions in May 2022 !!!
Agrometeorological review for the second decade of May 2022
European part
In the North-Western, Central and Volga Federal regions, the weather was colder than usual. In most areas of the North-Western, as well as in a number of north-western regions of the Central, eastern and some southern regions of the Volga Federal region, frosts were observed in the air and on the soil surface (up to -3 … -1 °). Agrometeorological conditions for spring sowing were mostly satisfactory for 2-5 days, and in the north-east of the Central, north-west and in most areas of the south-eastern half of the Volga Federal region for 6-8 days, they were complicated due to rains; in these areas field work was suspended. Sowing of spring grain and fodder crops was carried out as well as late spring grain and clean-cultivated crops in the southern regions.
Agrometeorological conditions for spring crops, the growth and development of winter crops were satisfactory, but in some areas unfavorable due to lack of heat, frosts and waterlogging of the soil.
In winter grain crops, stem growth continued in most fields. The condition of winter crops is good and satisfactory.
Early spring grain crops, depending on the timing of sowing, were in the phases of germination and the beginning of leaf formation; in the central black soil regions, tillering began in the fields of early sowing dates for spring barley. Seedlings of sugar beet, sunflower and corn appeared, leaf formation was observed in the fields of early sowing periods.
Moisture availability of agricultural crops was generally good. In most of the Central and Volga Federal regions, fruit crops (apple, pear, cherry, plum) bloomed. In some areas, conditions for flowering worsened due to frosts, rains and strong winds.
The weather was unstable in the Southern and North Caucasus Federal regions. But the agrometeorological conditions for the growth and development of agricultural crops were mostly good, but on some days there was a shortage of heat. The moisture supply of crops was mostly good, in part of the fields in the eastern regions – satisfactory.
Asian part
In most areas, warmer than usual weather prevailed in the second decade of May. The average daily air temperature was mostly 2-3° higher than normal. The conditions for the growth and development of winter grain crops, which almost everywhere continued to grow the stem, as well as for the emergence of spring grain crops were good and satisfactory. Soil moisture in these areas was sufficient.
Forecast of agrometeorological conditions for the third decade of May 2022
European part
In the predominant territory of the European part of Russia, the agrometeorological conditions for the growth and development of most agricultural crops and the completion of spring sowing will be mostly satisfactory.
Asian part
In most of the Asian territory of Russia, the agrometeorological conditions for spring sowing, emergence, growth and development of spring crops, and in the Ural Federal District and Western Siberia and for the vegetation of winter grain crops will be mostly satisfactory.