Volga Baikal AGRO LLC. – Volgograd Region, 90’000 ha Grain Farming

Volga Baikal AGRO LLC.,   Agriculture Project
Volgograd Region of Russian Federation !!!

Key – Parameters:   Assemble 90’000 ha Arable Land Bank !!!

Assemble and Develop Expandable 90,000 hectares of Arable Land in the Volgograd Oblast – Volga Federal District of Russian Federation. Develop and Operate large scale Farms on the Territory of the Russian Federation (RF). Focusing on scalable farming operation.
Become a reliable source, producer and supplier of premium quality grains, commodities, seeds, and value added semi manufactured products for domestic and international customers in Russia. Produce agricultural raw material, value added commodities and Certified Seed.
Investment in Asset Take-Over (Land, Existing Equipment and Infrastructure), Develop Dry-Land and Irrigation Farming, build Cutting Edge-Technologies, No-Till Farming and State of the Art Infrastructure. Implement innovative and state of the art No-Till-Farming technology with rationalized production processes used in Western Canada.Implementing cutting edge farming technologies, witch will increase average yields and grain quality, decrease spoilage and grain losses.
Become Reliable Source, Producer and Supplier of Choice for Agricultural Raw Material, Value Added Commodities, Certified Seed and Beef. Reach full Steady State Production by year 5 after initial development. Farm-EBITA Margin in excess of 35%  by Year 3 under Production.
Please Download your Copy of the Executive Project Summary in English or Russian:
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