Volga Baikal AGRO NEWS Update on the WEATHER FORECAST in RUSSIA !!!
Abnormal heat, in theory, threatens to reduce the harvest in Russia. This was stated by Dmitry Rylko, Director General of the Institute for Agrarian Market Studies. The main threat from the heat is for cereals, which are now in flowering and filling stages in most of the country. There is no big impact on buckwheat, sunflower, sugar beet so far. The most difficult situation is now in the Urals, where the dry heat has lasted since the end of April and has already led to quite large losses. Rylko says that a decrease in harvest due to drought is expected in the Volga region, less – in the south (in the Stavropol Territory, Rostov and Volgograd regions) and in the center of the country.
According to the vice-president of the Russian Grain Union Alexander Korbut, the heat in the south of the country will not affect the harvest, since the harvesting campaign has already begun there. In addition, he believes that it is too early to talk about significant losses, since in many regions there is still enough moisture in the soil since spring, the heat does not last so long, the publication specifies. However, a deficit of precipitation is definitely observed in the Volga region against the background of low moisture reserves, and the longer this weather lasts, the greater the risks for grain crops. But the consequences will not be global, but will affect only certain regions and farms, he said. “It’s not even the current heat that worries me. Due to the cool spring, harvesting this season has moved two weeks later. Therefore, we are more worried about whether the rains will overtake us when the time comes for mass harvesting not only in the south, but also in other regions. These will already be serious risks of losses “,
At the same time, there will be no repetition of 2010, when due to the abnormal long and uncharacteristic for the European and Asian parts of the country, there were large crop losses, the director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Meteorology (VNII SHM) Valery Dolgiy-Trach told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Although high temperatures in themselves cause stressful conditions in any plants, such short-term effects will not cause much harm, the expert believes.
There are different situations in the regions. So, according to the general director of the Elan company (Orenburg region) Alexei Orlov, the heat and drought have lasted since April, but it has been raining recently, so the soil has a small amount of moisture. “Due to the prolonged heat, drought and dry winds, winter crops and spring seedlings have suffered greatly. We expect that for winter crops the yield will be below the long-term average, while for spring crops there is no clarity yet,” – Orlov commented to Agroinvestor. President of the Agrotech-Garant group (Voronezh, Belgorod regions) Sergei Orobinsky says that in the Voronezh region the temperature reaches 35° C in the shade. This heat and lack of rain can seriously harm crops, while other crops such as sugar beets do well.
A difficult situation is now observed in Tatarstan. “There is no guarantee that we will collect 3 million tons of grain,” – the president of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov, warned the day before at a meeting of the Committee for Emergency Situations, at which he supported the introduction of an emergency regime in the republic due to the abnormal heat. “Even if there are some rains, it will not help us, there will be no major changes,” Minnikhanov said (quoted by Business Gazeta). CEO of MC “August-Agro “(works in Tatarstan) Aydar Galyautdinov told Agroinvestor That in the regions where the company’s farms are located, there has been no precipitation since April, and at the same time high temperatures have been established. Therefore, it is rather difficult to predict what the harvest will be: a week ago, some indicators were predicted, but the intensifying heat now makes its own adjustments, and the picture has worsened. “At the same time, expenses have been made within the budget, investment plans have been fulfilled. What we get in the end in terms of the economy is a big question,” – says Galyautdinov.
Alexander Nezhenets, general director of the Progress agricultural firm (Krasnodar Territory), says that now the temperature is kept at 30° C, and there is hope that it will rain in the next few days. “As long as there is no threat to the harvest, development is proceeding normally. There is also enough moisture for grain winter crops – they were in fairly good conditions,” – he told to Agroinvestor. Everything is also good in Tver Agroindustrial Company, which was not affected by the drought. Leonid Mudrov, commercial director of Niva-Mikheev and K (Nizhny Novgorod region), says that so far the heat and drought have not affected the harvest, but some conclusions can only be drawn in two weeks.